TLC Dog Care
Tender Loving Care
Comments and Suggestions

Comment on our service and how you liked the dog grooming. 

If you have a​​Suggestion on how we can improve our services please tell us, we will be happy to know what we can do better.

What is "TLC Dog Care"?
"TLC Dog Care" the dog grooming service

TLC Dog Care is a dog grooming service. Our grooming specialist will make sure your dog is in top notch shape. Your dog growing too much hair? No problem, at TLC Dog Care, our grooming specialist will manualy cut your dogs fur with gentleness and care. You will not even recognize your own dog once our specialists work their magic.

There is only one location. Go to the contact section of the website to see where it is and maybe you live near by!

What type of dogs do we groom?​

We groom all types of dogs, no matter what the size or age. Big dogs, small dogs, dogs with short hair, dogs with long hair, it doesn't matter! Nor does the breed matter or the type of dog. Think of it this way. if he/she is a dog, we'll groom him/her!